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SCHOW DENTAL Practice limited to Root Canal Therapy*

Medicine Hat, AB


General Information

Common Questions

Will the treatment be painful?

We will take every measure to ensure that your procedure is in no way uncomfortable or painful. If treatment is needed, we will inject a small amount of anaesthetic to gently numb a concentrated area of your mouth. For most patients, the feeling of numbness usually subsides after 2-3 hours.

For the first few days after treatment, there may be some sensitivity to biting pressure, or a little tenderness, especially if there was pain or infection before the procedure. Sometimes over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like Advil are recommended for a day or two.

Is pulling the tooth better than having a root canal?

Keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is very important for proper eating and chewing functions.  There are several options available for missing teeth, such as dentures, partial dentures, dental implants and fixed dental bridges, however, these alternatives can be more expensive than saving your tooth with a root canal treatment.

Is the root removed during a root canal?

The root of the tooth is not removed.  It is the pulp from the inside of the tooth that gets infected and needs to be removed.

How many visits does a root canal require?

Most root canals can be performed in one or two office visits.

Do crowns cause teeth to need root canals?

Many people believe that having a crown on a tooth means that the tooth will eventually need a root canal.  Crowns do not cause the need for root canal therapy.  If a crowned tooth does require a root canal, it could be that the tooth has abscessed or that decay has gotten underneath the crown and reached the pulp of the tooth.

After having a root canal, is there anything else that needs to be done?

After having a root canal, it is extremely important to make a follow-up appointment with your dentist to have the tooth permanently restored.  After the pulp of the tooth has been removed, the tooth can become brittle, and a permanent restoration can help protect your tooth from fracturing.